Weekly Photo Challenge: Yellow

yellow sunset

The sun sets
Bidding farewell to another day
And I know it’s just you and me
To share this world and itโ€™s beauty
To hold hands and live life to the fullest
If not for you
I wouldn’t see the magic in this place.


This weeks WordPress photo challenge is Yellow.

8 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Yellow

  1. I’m confident you will find the magic in all places, whether with or without someone else. You have an eye for beauty, an appreciation of color and texture, and your imagination races with all the possibilities. Although your words are a wonderful devotional, I want you to see the beauty of your own magic.


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. They are lovely and I might have to hire you as my own personal pick-me-upper if you keep this up. ๐Ÿ˜€


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