Category: Land and Water

Blogging 101 – Day Thirteen: Try (Another) Blogging Event

It’s time to leave the confines of Blogging U. to seek other opportunities (blopportunities?). From weekly photo challenges to monthly flash-fiction events, blogger-hosted events are fun, free ways to get … Continue reading Blogging 101 – Day Thirteen: Try (Another) Blogging Event

Photo 101 – Day Ten: Mystery & Lighting Effects

Today, share an image that creates a sense of mystery. Intrigue us with uncertainty.

Today’s Tip: To stretch yourself, manipulate the light available to you to create a particular effect — use it to cast shadows and highlights to create a moody image. Work with natural light, or find an artificial light source

Day10 - mystery

When you’re lost and forever feeling too deeply
Open your eyes to a world of beautiful wonder,
The greatest treasures are found
On a journey in which those feelings are followed.

Follow your own path


Photo 101 – Day Seven: Big

Today, let’s go big. Whether inside or outside, photograph something of massive size. Feel free to interpret big in your own way, and get creative with your shot. Capture all or just part of the subject. Place it in the foreground so it takes up the entire frame. Or shoot it from afar so it appears smaller — yet still prominent.

My interpretation of big.

The moon was so bright and big that it was hard to miss. I took the first shot with my iPhone and then raced to my car to get my Canon and try to focus on the moon.
There’s are my results.

I wish I had a zoom lens… 🙂

Photo 101 – Weekend One: Experiment with Composition

It’s time to take a break from our daily themes, so enjoy your days off. Use the weekend to catch up, tackle themes for which you didn’t have photos, or practice techniques you’ve learned.

I hope you aren’t tired of my beach pictures and you like my composition experiment.
Oh, and my poem.  🙂

weekend1 --photo101

A gull riding the gusts of wind
A boat sailing across the sea
Running wild into the ocean
Just letting it be
Daring to be yourself no matter what others may think
Living life openly without looking back

Photo 101 – Day Four: Bliss

What is your idea of bliss? Is it an image of your family, laughing at the dinner table? A state of total relaxation, while lying on the beach? Your latest painting, drying on the canvas?

Bliss: complete happiness, great joy, paradise, or heaven.



How could I choose a single moment of bliss?

“I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.”

A refreshing ocean breeze;
A warm sunshine;
A drop of rain;
A wave of joy;
A captivating sunset
A glimmering moon;
A friend’s shoulder;
A child’s laughter;
A beautiful smile;
A soft whisper;
A lover’s kiss…

I simply cannot choose just one
Please don’t ask me to.

Blogging 101 – Day Four: Identify Your Audience

We often create posts hoping that someone in particular will see (and appreciate) our work. Today, publish a post you’d like that person (or people) to read — and stretch your blogging chops as you do.

Today’s Assignment: publish a post you’d like your ideal audience member to read, and include a new-to-you element in it.

My first impulse was to write that I don’t create posts hoping that someone in particular will see them! I even told my bestie that I was going to write how my blog is for myself, how I post for myself, not anyone else. Oh boy, I was going on a tangent.
Yes, I stepped on my soapbox and ranted away. My poor friend. 🙂
Then as I started to write, I realized that I do have someone in particular that I want to see my posts.

I will let my picture and words speak for themselves…

day4-blogging 101

Photo 101 – Day Three: Water

We have different relationships to and stories about water: how it has saved or defeated us. How it reminds us of family vacations, outdoor adventures, or the hot summers of our childhood. How it might symbolize a place we’ve left behind, or a location we dream to go.

Oh, ocean
Take me away
Enfold me in your waves
Steal me away from the shore

Freeze me
Numb my pain
Let me drown
In your vastness

Let me sink
To the bottom of the ocean
Let me experience
All that you have to offer

Block And Tackle

Rusty Block and Tackle
There is always
A mysterious something
About all things old

Maybe, these yellowing, rusted,
Forgotten objects
Slipped off the inky azure of their mind’s corners

But now, they have felt the way
To a pair of lips
As they reminisce
Of times gone by