Tag: Poetry

Blogging 101 – Day Thirteen: Try (Another) Blogging Event

It’s time to leave the confines of Blogging U. to seek other opportunities (blopportunities?). From weekly photo challenges to monthly flash-fiction events, blogger-hosted events are fun, free ways to get … Continue reading Blogging 101 – Day Thirteen: Try (Another) Blogging Event

Photo 101 – Day Ten: Mystery & Lighting Effects

Today, share an image that creates a sense of mystery. Intrigue us with uncertainty.

Today’s Tip: To stretch yourself, manipulate the light available to you to create a particular effect — use it to cast shadows and highlights to create a moody image. Work with natural light, or find an artificial light source

Day10 - mystery

When you’re lost and forever feeling too deeply
Open your eyes to a world of beautiful wonder,
The greatest treasures are found
On a journey in which those feelings are followed.

Follow your own path


Photo 101 – Day Nine: Warmth

Photography means “drawing with light,” and when you snap a picture with your camera, you use and record light to create an image.
When we’re out and about, we use the sun — our most abundant light source — to capture our scenes.
Today, capture an image of warmth, using the sun as your source. And if the sun is nowhere to be found, don’t worry! You can interpret warmth in a different way.

I was playing around and this is what I came out with… just a simple iris flower opening up to the warmth of the sun.

day9 -- warmth

Leave me to bask
In the warmth of this tranquility
Even for the smallest while
Before the frigid cold consumes me…

Blogging 101 – Day Nine: Get Inspired By the Neighbors

Today’s assignment: write a post that builds on one of the comments you left yesterday. Don’t forget to link to the other blog!

I stumbled upon this beautiful painting by Yuriy Ku. I left a brief comment that said “Beautiful…” I did that because I was at a loss for words. I am not a connoisseur of art or, even less, one that should talk about it but I found myself being captivated by his painting. I found myself being lost in it. The warm colors are inviting… It’s like a warm inviting dream.
Make me want to bathe as the sun retires for the night. 🙂

I asked him if I could write a poem based on his painting, put it here in my blog, and he has graciously accepted. Thank you Yuriy Ku!
If you have a chance please go and visit him.

Here is my attempt on today’s assignment hope you like. 🙂

"Sunset Bathe", 2014-2015, Yuriy Ku Drop
“Sunset Bathe”, 2014-2015, Yuriy Ku Drop

She sheds her clothes
Her toes slip into the cool water
It feels good to get away
From the heat summer brings

The water rises to her hips
her navel
her breasts
her shoulders

The sky shines orange and brown
It unfolds
It’s golden light
Onto the reflecting lagoon

she plunges

So captivating
So serene
So quiet
So perfect

This is her escape
This is her dream

It is what she needs
To shed all her cares
To release her inhibitions
To be vulnerable

Photo 101 – Day Six: Connect

In this age of social media, we hear the word connect often, don’t we? Connect with us on Facebook! Connect with me on LinkedIn! Given what today’s technologies can do, it feels like the world is getting smaller, and we’re more connected than ever before.
There are many ways to interpret this theme: from a gadget to a handshake, from a bridge to a gathering among friends. What’s yours?

day6 -- connectTo me…

Every one of us
Is connected
When we embrace
That connection
And realize that
Not only are we
Connected to one another
But to all living things
And to the universe
Then life becomes
The happiness that it is meant to be.

We are here
To experience
To live
To learn.

There are a few here
On this realm of existence
Who have evolved
Who are willing
To share their knowledge
Wisdom and love.

All one needs to do
Is to begin the search
Open your eyes
Your mind
Your heart
Let that natural goodness prevail.

This connection
That we all share
Will someday get us to where
We all so desperately crave to be
Living in joy
Living in peace
Where all of us are truly free…

Photo 101 – Weekend One: Experiment with Composition

It’s time to take a break from our daily themes, so enjoy your days off. Use the weekend to catch up, tackle themes for which you didn’t have photos, or practice techniques you’ve learned.

I hope you aren’t tired of my beach pictures and you like my composition experiment.
Oh, and my poem.  🙂

weekend1 --photo101

A gull riding the gusts of wind
A boat sailing across the sea
Running wild into the ocean
Just letting it be
Daring to be yourself no matter what others may think
Living life openly without looking back