Tag: Moon

Photo 101 – Day Eight: Natural World & Leading Lines

A good photographer is a constant observer: always watching and studying a scene, from patterns in city traffic to movements in nature.
A photographer notices big, sweeping changes — like the sky at dusk — but also the tiniest details, like the subtle bends in bare branches in the Nevada desert:
Capture the natural world with your camera: document a moment outside, big or small. From a panorama snapped during your morning hike to a close-up of a leaf in your yard, we invite you to document this wondrous world around us.

I read these words “A good photographer is…” for my next assignment and I froze. That ugly negative voice appeared in my head telling me – well — I won’t tell you what it was telling me and I rather tell you that I pushed those thoughts aside and went hunting. 🙂
This is my interpretation of my natural world, the natural lines the stormy clouds created with the sun behind them and the moon rising above.

day8 -- natural world

Photo 101 – Day Seven: Big

Today, let’s go big. Whether inside or outside, photograph something of massive size. Feel free to interpret big in your own way, and get creative with your shot. Capture all or just part of the subject. Place it in the foreground so it takes up the entire frame. Or shoot it from afar so it appears smaller — yet still prominent.

My interpretation of big.

The moon was so bright and big that it was hard to miss. I took the first shot with my iPhone and then raced to my car to get my Canon and try to focus on the moon.
There’s are my results.

I wish I had a zoom lens… 🙂